Honorary consul
Dr. Dietmar Scheiter

Dr. Dietmar Scheiter was born in 1958. After passing his Abitur, the german A-level, and completing the officer's training at the German military academy he studied business administration in Muenster und St. Gall.
He experienced two years of professional practice in an american business consultancy and after that returned to St. Gall in order to do his doctorate.
In 1988 he became self-employed as a business man. At the end of 2005 he retired from the company, which he lead as chairman in the recent years. Ever since than he is managing a family business named JOKALOU Unternehmensbeteiligung in Gruenwald.

Dr. Dietmar Scheiter's charity activities includes without limitation the work for the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science and the local engagement for Gruenwald, the township he is living in. This is where he is member of the parish council and the neighbourly help organisation. Since 2012 he is furthermore the Bavarian honorary consul of Sierra Leone.